Passenger Processing Officers/Responsibilities
Customs control of Passengers and their baggage checks is carried out at the places where they enter Papua New Guinea i.e. approved Ports and Airports. This Control is exercised to:
- Enforce the prohibitions and restrictions imposed by the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations, Chapter 101;
- Supervise the concessions set forward in Statutory Instrument No: 5 of 1983;
- Collect duty on goods declared in excess of the various allowances in general concessions.
- Detect any form of smuggling.
Administer legislative requirements of the PNG Customs Service (Acts & Regulations), PNG Immigration & Citizenship Service Authority, Department of Environment & Conservation, National Agriculture & Quarantine Inspection Authority, Censorship Board, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Bank of Papua New Guinea and International Civil Aviation Organization recommended practices.
Passenger Clearance Process/Requirements
Flight Clearance should not take more than 45minutes from disembarkation. Passenger control is based on:
Each passenger to complete a written declaration on the Incoming Passenger Card (marshalling officer to risk assess & refer accordingly for Customs & Quarantine inspections or free-run); Passenger must present IPC to the Customs Marshalling Officer
Questioning on the approach to the baggage bench(apply risk assessment during conversation engagement);
By selective questioning and inspection thereafter (examine thoroughly upon declaration or on the level of risk detected).
Passengers must comply with Customs requirements and must make all declarations truthfully. Misleading or false answers to questions will be guilty of an offence as stated under Sect.136 of the Customs Act.
Passenger General Concession & Allowances:
Liquor / Spirits not exceeding 2 litres;
Perfume not exceeding 1 litre;
200/250 cigarette sticks, 250 grams tobacco or 50 cigars;
Passengers under 18 years old are allowed K3,000.00 worth of new items for personal use;
Passengers over 18 years old are allowed K6, 000.00 worth of new items for personal use.
Immigration Formalities
Each passenger to complete a written declaration on the Incoming Passenger Card (marshalling officer to risk assess & refer accordingly for Customs & Quarantine inspections or free-run); Passenger must present IPC to the Customs Marshalling Officer
Questioning on the approach to the baggage bench(apply risk assessment during conversation engagement);
By selective questioning and inspection thereafter (examine thoroughly upon declaration or on the level of risk detected).
Valid travel document;
Valid PNG Visa (non-citizens);
Completed Incoming Passenger Card;
Please note that passengers must clear immigration at least one hour before boarding.
V.I.P Passenger Clearances
All VIP's are required to comply with Health checks, hold a valid passport and complete an Incoming Passenger Card. With the exception of specific 'exemptions', all VIP's travelling with families are subject to baggage examination for specific reasons or on a random selection basis. No exception is made in respect of goods subject to Quarantine declared items.
Airport Clearance Procedures
Customs control is over the arrival, movement and departure of aircrafts. Flight notices can be given not less than three hours before arrival. Documents to be presented and confirmed by the Boarding Officer are as follows:
Arrival/Inbound Clearance
- General Declaration (form 11);
- Passenger & Cargo Manifest;
- List of Aircraft stores (if aircraft is intending to travel to other PNG airports in reference to Sect. 76.
- Articles in Possession (form G17).
Departures / Outbound Clearance
- General Declaration (form 11);
- Passenger & Cargo Manifest;
- List of Aircraft stores (if aircraft is proceeding to another PNG airport);
- Export Permits (Restricted Export Certificates).