Better use of resources including greater use of appropriate technologies, applying risk management techniques across the organization, identification and formulation of measures to counter illicit trade or products on control, effective deployment of non- intrusive technology, implementation of enforcement and compliance strategies, greater use of intelligence and profiling capability, and establishing and maintaining strategic alliances with national and regional law enforcement agencies for effective border control and passenger facilitation. Make optimum use of automated processes using ASYCUDA World and implement international standards under Trade Facilitation Agreement to streamline and simplify trade facilitation procedures consistent with WCO best practices and Agreement to reduce clearance time and transaction costs.
Reduce intervention for low risk trade, encourage voluntary compliance, introduce premium express service system including the introduction of Trusted Traders Scheme, Authorized Economic Operators and apply stringent Advanced Ruling Scheme and conduct annual Time Release Survey to improve Trade Facilitation.
Enhancing Customs law enforcement through developing and strengthening existing inter- agency cooperative arrangements, deploying resources to border posts based on risks and threats, including effective use of non-intrusive cargo examination equipment, reducing cargo examination times based on better targeting of consignments, and effective use of advanced passenger screening methods and profiling and targeting system for cargo facilitation, better utilization of the ASYCUDA World to facilitate faster entry processing and receipting of revenue collection, better profiling methods to improve targeting, implementation of the Trusted Traders Program, Authorized Economic Operators and Advanced Rulings Scheme in respect of imports/ exports for registered low risk clients and conduct annual Time Release Survey.
Number of MOUs with external and inter-agency partner agencies
Number of inter-agency operations conducted
Number of interventions and detections
Number of investigations and prosecutions
Number of seizures and recoveries
Number of inter-agency border enforcement operations conducted
Increased border interventions
Effective intelligence led profiling and targeting
Reduced passenger processing time to maximum of 30 minutes from arrival
Cargo clearance time reduced to less than 24 hours
Trusted Traders Program introduced and implemented
Authorized Economic Operators scheme introduced and implemented
Improved system of managing profiling targeting and selectivity
Advance Ruling Scheme effectively administered
Stakeholder Engagement conducted quarterly
Appropriate international standards and tools under Trade Facilitation Agreement introduced and implemented
Real time trade database maintained
Electronic Payment system improved
Free Trade Zone and Special Economic Zone established
Land Border Directorate established