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Are you moving more than PGK20,000 worth of currency or valuables into or out of PNG?

Any Currency? Monetary instruments? Jewellery? Precious metal or stones?

That's okay! But you MUST DECLARE it to a Customs Officer before you cross the border.

Corporate Plan 2024-2028

This five-year Corporate Plan 2024 - 2028 sets out PNG Custom's renewed focus on developments to strengthen its institutional capability, capacity and competency in line with the international best practices and standards promulgated by World Customs Organization (WCO), World Trade Organization (WTO) and other International Conventions and Treaties.

Forms & Legislations

Customs Act 1951

(Current to January 2021)

Customs Tariff Act

(Revised Jan 2022)

Form G26

Register Importer/Exporter/Agent

Form G29

Export Certificate

TSCs for Motor Vehicles

Implementation of Tariff Specification Codes
See all forms