Implementation of Tariff Specification Codes (TSCs)

Motor vehicles
 26 May, 2023

The Papua New Guinea Customs Service (PNGCS) will launch its ASYCUDA WORLD VALUATION SYSTEM in a phased approach commencing with imports on motor vehicles on the 1st of June 2023.

This will be done by means of Tariff Specification Codes (TSCs) which is fully integrated with the Asycuda World System. Such TSCs have been created and are referenced below and in the Customs Valuation Database (Asycuda World).

In order to avoid unnecessary delays and to assist with the smooth execution of the processing of declarations, Importers/Exporters, Brokers, Car Dealers etc., are advised to consult the TSC Finder in the AW System to verify whether or not a TSC has been created for the vehicle that is being imported.

If the TSC is not found, you are required to submit electronic copies of the Bill of Lading, Commercial Invoice, Proof of Payments and Contract of Sale by email to the Trade, Excise and Valuation Division – Customs HQ.

The documents must be submitted at least one (1) week prior to the arrival of the vehicle into Papua New Guinea. This is to ensure that the TSC is created in advance.

The Customs Clearing Agents must take note of this development and act accordingly to minimize delays in the Customs clearance process. It is very important to declare the Correct Units of Measurement in Numbers (NMB) on Cage 41 of Form 15. For effective trade facilitation at the border, Brokers and Traders are obliged to declare the correct and True Value in accordance with the WTO Customs Valuation Agreement.

For any inquires contact the Valuation Section (Trade, Excise and Valuation Division) at Customs HQ by e-mailing or by calling 312 7557/ 7560/7690.

Authorized by
David Towe
Chief Commissioner of Customs
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